

The RESTful endpoint uses the GET method to return information about a user or group of users, specified by a user ID or a username. The response includes one or many user objects, which deliver fields such as the Follower count, location, pinned Post ID, and profile bio. Responses can also optionally include expansions to return the full Post object for a user’s pinned Post, including the Post text, author, and other Post fields. 

You can authenticate your request to all users lookup endpoints other than the authenticated user lookup with OAuth 1.0a User Context, App only, or OAuth 2.0 Authorization code with PKCE. However, if you would like to access private metrics or data from private users, you will need to utilize OAuth 1.0a User Context or OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE, and pass the authenticated users' Access Token with your request.    

This endpoint is commonly used to receive up-to-date details on a user, to verify that a user exists, or to update your stored details following a compliance event.


Authenticated user lookup

If authenticating on behalf of other users, it is critical to be able to see who you can make a request on behalf of.

This endpoint requires you to use OAuth 1.0a User Context or OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE. It returns information about the authorized user, meaning the user that is associated with the user Access Tokens that you pass with the request.

You can access this endpoint via the GET method. There is a user rate limit of 75 requests per 15 minutes for this endpoint.

Account setup

To access these endpoints, you will need:

Learn more about getting access to the X API v2 endpoints in our getting started guide.