GET /labs/2/users (lookup by list of IDs)
GET /labs/2/users (lookup by list of IDs)
Returns a variety of information about one or more users specified by the requested IDs.
Endpoint URL
Authentication and rate limits
Authentication methods supported by this endpoint | OAuth 1.0a is also available for this endpoint. |
Rate limit | App rate limit (Application-only): 900 requests per 15-minute window shared among all users of your app |
Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ids Required | string | A comma separated list of user IDs. Up to 100 are allowed in a single request. |
expansions Optional | enum (pinned_tweet_id ) | Comma-separated list of fields to expand. Expansions enable requests to expand an ID into a full object in the includes response object. |
media.fields Optional | enum (duration_ms , height , media_key , preview_image_url , type , url , width ) | Comma-separated list of fields to return in the Tweet media object. The response will contain the selected fields only if a Tweet contains media attachments. |
place.fields Optional | enum (contained_within , country , country_code , full_name , geo , id , name , place_type ) | Comma-separated list of location fields to return. The response will contain the selected fields only if location data is present in any of the response objects. |
poll.fields Optional | enum (duration_minutes , end_datetime , id , options , voting_status ) | Comma-separated list of fields to return in the Tweet poll object. The response will contain the selected fields only if a Tweet contains a poll. |
tweet.fields Optional | enum (attachments , author_id , created_at , entities , geo , id , in_reply_to_user_id , lang , possibly_sensitive , referenced_tweets , source , public_metrics , text , withheld ) | Comma-separated list of fields to return in the Tweet object. By default, the endpoint does not return any Tweet field. |
user.fields Optional | enum (created_at , description , entities , id , location , name , pinned_tweet_id , profile_image_url , protected , public_metrics , url , username , verified , withheld ) | Comma-separated list of additional fields to return in the user object. By default, the endpoint only returns id , name and username . |
Example code with offical SDKs
cURL (default fields)
cURL (optional fields)
twurl (default fields)
twurl (optional fields)
Example responses
Default fields
Optional fields
Response fields
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier of this user. This is returned as a string in order to avoid complications with languages and tools that cannot handle large integers. |
created_at | date (ISO 8601) | Creation time of this account. To return this field, add user.fields=created_at in the request's query parameter. |
name | string | The friendly name of this user, as shown on their profile. |
username | string | The Twitter handle (screen name) of this user. |
protected | boolean | Indicates if this user has chosen to protect their Tweets (in other words, if this user's Tweets are private). To return this field, add user.fields=protected in the request's query parameter. |
withheld | object | Contains withholding details for withheld content. To return this field, add user.fields=withheld in the request's query parameter. |
withheld.country_codes | array | Provides a list of countries where this user is not available. To return this field, add user.fields=withheld.country_codes in the request's query parameter. |
withheld.scope | enum (tweet , user ) | Indicates whether the content being withheld is a Tweet or a user (this API will return user ).To return this field, add user.fields=withheld.scope in the request's query parameter. |
location | string | The location specified in the user's profile, if the user provided one. As this is a freeform value, it may not indicate a valid location, but it may be fuzzily evaluated when performing searches with location queries. To return this field, add user.fields=location in the request's query parameter. |
url | string | The URL specified in the user's profile, if present. To return this field, add user.fields=url in the request's query parameter. |
description | string | The text of this user's profile description (also known as bio), if the user provided one. To return this field, add user.fields=description in the request's query parameter. |
verified | boolean | Indicate if this user is a verified Twitter User. To return this field, add user.fields=verified in the request's query parameter. |
entities | object | This object and its children fields contain details about text that has a special meaning in the user's description. To return this field, add user.fields=entities in the request's query parameter. |
entities.url | array | Contains details about text recognized as a URL. |
entities.url.start | integer | The start position (zero-based) of the recognized URL within the Tweet. |
entities.url.end | integer | The end position (zero-based) of the recognized URL within the Tweet. |
entities.url.url | string | The URL in the format tweeted by the user. |
entities.url.expanded_url | string | The fully resolved URL. |
entities.url.display_url | string | The URL as displayed in the Twitter client. |
entities.hashtags | array | Contains details about text recognized as a Hashtag. |
entities.hashtags.start | integer | The start position (zero-based) of the recognized Hashtag within the Tweet. |
entities.hashtags.end | integer | The end position (zero-based) of the recognized Hashtag within the Tweet. |
entities.hashtags.hashtag | string | The text of the Hashtag. |
entities.mentions | array | Contains details about text recognized as a user mention. |
entities.mentions.start | integer | The start position (zero-based) of the recognized user mention within the Tweet. |
entities.mentions.end | integer | The end position (zero-based) of the recognized user mention within the Tweet. |
entities.mentions.username | string | The part of text recognized as a user mention. |
entities.cashtags | array | Contains details about text recognized as a Cashtag. |
entities.cashtags.start | integer | The start position (zero-based) of the recognized Cashtag within the Tweet. |
entities.hashtags.end | integer | The end position (zero-based) of the recognized Cashtag within the Tweet. |
entities.cashtags.cashtag | string | The text of the Cashtag. |
profile_image_url | string | The URL to the profile image for this user, as shown on the user's profile. |
public_metrics | object | Contains details about activity for this user. |
public_metrics.followers_count | integer | Number of users who follow this user. |
public_metrics.following_count | integer | Number of users this user is following. |
public_metrics.tweet_count | integer | Number of Tweets (including Retweets) posted by this user. |
public_metrics.listed_count | integer | Number of lists that include this user. |
pinned_tweet_id | string | Unique identifier of this user's pinned Tweet. You can obtain the expanded object in includes.tweets by adding expansions=pinned_tweet_id in the request's query parameter. |
includes.tweets | array | For referenced Tweets, this is a list of objects with the same structure as the one described by GET /tweets. |
errors | object | Contains details about errors that affected any of the requested users. See Status codes and error messages for more details. |