POST /2/tweets

POST /2/tweets

Creates a Tweet on behalf of an authenticated user.

Endpoint URL

Authentication and rate limits

Authentication methods
supported by this endpoint

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE

OAuth 1.0a is also available for this endpoint.

Rate limit

User rate limit (User context): 200 requests per 15-minute window per each authenticated user

OAuth 2.0 scopes required by this endpoint


Learn more about OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE

JSON body parameters

Name Type Description
string Tweets a link directly to a Direct Message conversation with an account.

Example: {"text": "Tweeting a DM deep link!", "direct_message_deep_link": ""}
boolean Allows you to Tweet exclusively for Super Followers.

Example: {"text": "Hello World!", "for_super_followers_only": true}
object A JSON object that contains location information for a Tweet. You can only add a location to Tweets if you have geo enabled in your profile settings. If you don't have geo enabled, you can still add a location parameter in your request body, but it won't get attached to your Tweet
string Place ID being attached to the Tweet for geo location.

Example: {"text": "Tweeting with geo!","geo": {"place_id": "5a110d312052166f"}}
object A JSON object that contains media information being attached to created Tweet. This is mutually exclusive from Quote Tweet ID and Poll.
array A list of Media IDs being attached to the Tweet. This is only required if the request includes the tagged_user_ids.

Example: {"text": "Tweeting with media!", "media": {"media_ids": ["1455952740635586573"]}}
array A list of User IDs being tagged in the Tweet with Media. If the user you're tagging doesn't have photo-tagging enabled, their names won't show up in the list of tagged users even though the Tweet is successfully created.

Example: {"text": "Tagging users in images!", "media": {"media_ids": ["1455952740635586573"], "tagged_user_ids": ["2244994945","6253282"]}}
object A JSON object that contains options for a Tweet with a poll. This is mutually exclusive from Media and Quote Tweet ID.
number Duration of the poll in minutes for a Tweet with a poll. This is only required if the request includes poll.options.

Example: {"text": "Tweeting with polls!", "poll": {"options": ["yes", "maybe", "no"], "duration_minutes": 120}}
array A list of poll options for a Tweet with a poll. For the request to be successful it must also include duration_minutes too.

Example: {"text": "Tweeting with polls!", "poll": {"options": ["yes", "maybe", "no"], "duration_minutes": 120}}"
string Link to the Tweet being quoted.

Example: {"text": "Yay!", "quote_tweet_id": "1455953449422516226"}
object A JSON object that contains information of the Tweet being replied to.
array A list of User IDs to be excluded from the reply Tweet thus removing a user from a thread.

Example: {"text": "Yay!", "reply": {"in_reply_to_tweet_id": "1455953449422516226", "exclude_reply_user_ids": ["6253282"]}}
string Tweet ID of the Tweet being replied to. Please note that in_reply_to_tweet_id needs to be in the request if exclude_reply_user_ids is present.

Example: {"text": "Excited!", "reply": {"in_reply_to_tweet_id": "1455953449422516226"}}
string Settings to indicate who can reply to the Tweet. Options include "mentionedUsers" and "following". If the field isn’t specified, it will default to everyone.

Example:{"text": "Tweeting with reply settings!", "reply_settings": "mentionedUsers"}

Text of the Tweet being created. This field is required if media.media_ids is not present.

Note: With Longform text, X allow premium users to write Posts up to 25,000 characters.

Example: {"text": "Hello World!"}


Example code with offical SDKs

TypeScript (text with poll option)
Java (text with poll option)
      (async () => {
  try {
    const postTweet = await twitterClient.tweets.createTweet({
      // The text of the Tweet
      text: "Are you excited for the weekend?",

      // Options for a Tweet with a poll
      poll: {
        options: ["Yes", "Maybe", "No"],
        duration_minutes: 120,
    console.dir(postTweet, {
      depth: null,
  } catch (error) {

      // Set the params values

CreateTweetRequest createTweetRequest = new CreateTweetRequest();
CreateTweetRequestPoll createTweetRequestPoll = new CreateTweetRequestPoll();

// The text of the Tweet
createTweetRequest.text("Are you excited for the weekend?");

// Options for a Tweet with a poll
List<String> pollOptions = Arrays.asList("Yes", "Maybe", "No");

// Duration of the poll in minutes


try {
    TweetCreateResponse result = apiInstance.tweets().createTweet(createTweetRequest);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling TweetsApi#createTweet");
    System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
    System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
    System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Example responses

Successful response
  "data": {
    "id": "1445880548472328192",
    "text": "Are you excited for the weekend?"

Response fields

idstringThe ID of the newly created Tweet.
textstringThe text of the newly created Tweet.