Frequently asked questions

General Search Post API questions

The number of Posts I receive with the data endpoint doesn't match the number of Posts identified by the counts endpoint. Why is this the case?

There is a known difference between results provided by the counts endpoint and the data endpoint. You may see a discrepancy in your results because the counts endpoint is pre-compliance (meaning that it does not account for things like deleted Posts, scrub geo, etc.) whereas the data endpoint is compliant at the time of delivery and accounts for all compliance events. For further reference, please go to this document on our support site.

I didn't receive a Post that should match my query. Why?

There are a few different reasons why this might have happened, including

  1. the Post you expected to see is from a protected account
  2. because the data endpoint accounts for all compliance events (meaning that deleted Posts, scrubbed geos, etc. will not be included in the response).

My query matched a Post but includes a keyword that I negated. Why is this happening?

This is likely due to a wrong usage of our premium rules & filtering. Please review our documentation here and ensure you understand the restrictions around building rules.

Are there any libraries that I can use to get started using the Search Post APIs?

Yes, there are, including:

  • Tweepy - good for using the standard search/Posts product (Python)
  • X API - good for using the standard Search Post APIs (Python)
  • Search Posts Python and Search Posts Ruby - two good tools that can be used for enterprise (and v2!) Search Post APIs

All of the libraries that we directly support can be found on our xdevplatform GitHub page: https://github.com/xdevplatform.

There are other third-party libraries that may also be helpful; however, please note that some of these may not work with our premium and enterprise products. 

Will I ever receive less volume of Posts than the value I set as the maxResults in my request to the data endpoint?

Yes. Our data endpoint paginates at either the specified maxResults or after 30 days.

For example, if you have 800 Posts in a given 30 day period, you will have to make two requests to pull the complete results; because the maximum number of Posts that can be returned per request is 500 (maxResults). And if you just have 400 Posts in month one, and then 100 Posts in month two, you will also have to use two requests to pull the full results; because pagination takes place after a period of 30 days even if the first request returns less than the specified maxResults Posts.

In what order are the matching Posts returned?

Posts are returned in reverse chronological order. For example, the first page of results will show the most recent Posts that match the query, pagination will continue until the results posted dates get to the fromDate initially requested.


How do Edit Posts impact my usage and billing? 

Only the original Post will count for billing purposes. Any subsequent edits will be ignored and not contribute to your overall activity count. 




I'm interested in learning more about the pricing of the enterprise Search Post API and in applying for this offering. How can I do this?

Our enterprise solutions are customized with predictable pricing to meet the needs of your business. Please apply here for more information.

How do I build a rule set that matches my use case?

  • Please refer to our enterprise Search Post APIs documentation here
  • Useful information on rules and filering can be found here
  • Useful information for using the data endpoint can be found here
  • Useful information for using the counts endpoint can be found here
  • A list of available operators can be found here

I have exceeded my request caps/limits for the month, but I need to access more data - what can I do?

Please get in touch with your Account Manager at X who will be able to help you with this.


Error troubleshooting guide

Code 404 - Not Found

  1. Please ensure you are using the right parameters for each endpoint (e.g. the bucketsfield can only be used with the counts endpoint, not the data endpoint)
  2. Please double check the :product :account_name and :label fields are correct. You can find your :label field in the GNIP Console (enterprise customers only).
