Key characteristics
Engagement API key characteristics
- RESTful API serving JSON data, supporting POST requests with JSON data bodies.
- Types of Requests: Client apps may make the following types of requests:
- Total engagements -- HTTP POST request to /totals endpoint
- Last 28-hour engagements -- HTTP POST request to /28hr endpoint
- Historical engagements -- HTTP POST request to /historical endpoint
- OAuth authentication:
- OAuth 1.0 User Context: All available metrics are available for Posts that are owned by a user that has authorized your App using 3-legged OAuth. You must use that user's Access Tokens when making your request.
- OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token: Select metrics (Retweets, Quote Tweets, Replies, Favorites, and Video Views) are available for any public Post.
- Request metadata and structure: Request data is a JSON object consisting of a Post ID array, an array of engagement types, and an engagement grouping structure.
- Posts per request:
- /totals endpoint: 250 Post IDs
- /28hr endpoint: 25 Post IDs
- /historical endpoint: 25 Post IDs
- Engagement metrics availability:
- /totals -- Metric totals since when Post was posted. Impressions and Engagements are available for Posts published in the last 90 days, while Retweets, Quote Tweets, Replies, Favorites, and Video Views are available for all Posts.
- /28hr -- Last 28 hours from time of request.
- /historical -- Any 28-day period starting September 1, 2014.
- Metric types: Each request includes an array of Metric Types. The availability of these depends on the endpoint and, if requesting from the /totals endpoint, on whether Posts are user-permissioned.
- /totals endpoint:
- All Posts: Favorites, Retweets, Quote Tweets, Replies, and Video Views
- Requires OAuth 1.0a User Context: Impressions, Engagements, Favorites, Replies, and Retweets
- /28hr and /historical endpoints (Requires OAuth 1.0a User Context with Post owner's Access Token): Impressions, Engagements, Favorites, Replies, Retweets, URL Clicks, Hashtag Clicks, Detail Click, Permalink Clicks, Media Clicks, App Install Attempts, App Opens, Post Emails, Video Views, and Media Views
- /totals endpoint:
- Engagement groupings: Each request includes an array of Engagement Groupings. With these groupings you can customize how the returned metrics are organized. Up to three groupings can be included with each request. Metrics can be organized by the following values:
- All endpoints: Post ID, Engagement Type
- /28hr and /historical endpoints: These endpoints provide time-series if these additional groupings are specified: Engagement Day, Engagement Hour
- Integration Expectations: Your team will be responsible for the following.
- Creating and maintaining a client app that can send HTTP requests to the Engagement API that returns engagement metrics for Post ID included in request.
- Limitations
- Video views are only available for Posts that are 1800 days old or less.