Replay API

Replay API

POST /1.1/account_activity/replay/webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/all.json 

Submits a request to retrieve activities from up to the past five days from all subscriptions present during the date and time windows specified in the request. If your webhook has active user subscriptions, you will concurrently receive those events as well. Note: We do perform a CRC before delivering replay events.

Request Method HTTP POST
URL /1.1/account_activity/replay/webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/all.json?from_date=yyyymmddhhmm&to_date=yyyymmddhhmm
Response Format JSON
Requires Authentication Yes (application only - bearer token)
Rate Limit 5 requests per 15 minutes. There is currently no maximum on the number of replay jobs that can requested.
from_date The oldest (starting) UTC timestamp from which the events will be provided, must be in 'yyyymmddhhmm' format. Timestamp is in minute granularity and is inclusive (i.e. 12:00 includes the 00 minute). Valid times must be within the last 5 days, UTC time, and no more recent than 31 minutes before the current point in time. It's recommended that the from_date and to_date should be within ~2 hours.
to_date The latest (ending) UTC timestamp to which the event will be provided, must be in 'yyyymmddhhmm' format. Timestamp is in minute granularity and is exclusive (i.e. 12:30 does not include the 30th minute of the hour). Valid times must be within the last 5 days, UTC time, and no more recent than 10 minutes before the current point in time.


The following responses may be returned by the API. Most error codes are returned with a string including additional details in the body. For non-200 responses, you should resolve the error and try again.

Status Text Error Code Description Message
202 Accepted N/A The request was successful and the activities will be sent. N/A
400 Bad Request 214 Webhook has been marked as invalid. Webhook is marked invalid and requires a CRC check.
400 Bad Request 357 Query parameter is missing. : queryParam is required.
400 Bad Request 358 Route or query parameter is malformed. Unable to parse parameter.
400 Bad Request 360 Route parameter is negative. webhook_id: [] is not greater than or equal to 0.
400 Bad Request 368 from_date or to_date is not in the past. : [<field_value>] is not in the past.
400 Bad Request 356 from_date must be before to_date. from_date must be before to_date.
400 Bad Request 356 from_date must be within the past 5 days. from_date must be within the past 5 days.
401 Unauthorized 32 HTTP authentication failed due to 3-legged auth provided. Invalid authentication method. Please use application-only authentication.
401 Unauthorized 61 Client is not permitted to request this method. Client is not permitted to request this method.
403 Forbidden 200 Client does not have an enterprise account with Replay enabled. Account Activity API enterprise account with replay is required. Please confirm you have an enterprise account and replay is enabled.
404 Not Found 34 Non-existing webhook_id; webhook_id-application_id mismatch. Webhook does not exist or is associated with a different twitter application.
409 Conflict 355 There is a request in flight and it will need to finish processing before making another. A replay job is already in progress for this webhook.
429 Too Many Requests 88 Rate limited (hit limit of the number of requests per time period) Too many requests. Please back off your API request rate.
500 Internal Server Error 0 Internal server error. Internal server error.
503 Service Unavailable 67 One or more dependent services at Twitter is unavailable. Twitter server error. Retry using an exponential backoff pattern.

"Job completed successfully” message

Once your job successfully completes, Account Activity Replay API will deliver the following job completion event. Once you receive this event, the job has finished running and another can be submitted.

  "replay_job_status": {
    "webhook_id": "1234577122340233217",
    "job_state": "Complete",
    "job_state_description": "Job completed successfully"
    "job_id": "1095098195724558337"

"Job failed to complete" message

In the event your job does not complete successfully, we will return the following message encouraging you to retry your Replay job. Once you receive this event, the job has finished running and another can be submitted.

  "replay_job_status": {
    "webhook_id": "123451374207332352",
    "job_state": "Incomplete",
    "job_state_description": "Job failed to deliver all events, please retry your replay job",
    "job_id": "1093226942650736640"

Example curl request

curl --request POST  --url ''
--header 'authorization: Bearer TOKEN'

Example response

HTTP 202

  "job_id": "1234567890",
  "created_at": "2016-06-02T23:54:02Z"