
Comparing X API’s users lookup endpoints

The v2 user lookup endpoints will replace the standard v1.1 GET users/lookup and GET users/show endpoints. If you have code, apps, or tools that use one of these versions of the user lookup endpoints, and are considering migrating to the newer X API v2 endpoint, then this set of guides is for you. 

The following tables compare the various types of users lookup endpoints:


Standard v1.1

X API v2

HTTP methods supported


Host domain

https://api.x.com https://api.x.com

Endpoint path

/1.1/users/show.json /1.1/users/lookup.json






OAuth 1.0a User Context

OAuth 1.0a User Context

App only

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE

Default request rate limits

900 requests per 15 min (per user)

/show - 900 requests per 15 min (per app)
/lookup - 300 requests per 15 min (per app)

900 requests per 15 min (per user)

300 requests per 15 min (per app)

Maximum Users per response 

/show -  1

/lookup - 100


JSON response object format

Standard v1.1 format

X API v2 format (determined by fields and expansions request parameters, not backward-compatible with v1.1 formats)

To learn more about how to migrate from the Standard v1.1 format to the X API v2 format, please visit our data formats migration guide.

Supports selecting which fields return in the payload


Supports the annotations fields (on pinned Post)  
Supports requesting new metrics fields (on pinned Post)  
Supports the conversation_id field (on pinned Post)  
Requires the use of credentials from a developer App associated with a project