
Comparing X API’s List lookup endpoints

The v2 List lookup endpoint group will replace the standard v1.1 GET lists/show and  GET lists/ownership endpoints. If you have code, apps, or tools that use one of these versions of the List lookup endpoints, and are considering migrating to the newer X API v2 endpoint, then this set of guides is for you.

The following tables compare the standard v1.1 and X API v2 List endpoints:


List Lookup by ID


Standard v1.1

X API v2

HTTP methods supported



Host domain



Endpoint path




OAuth 1.0a User Context

App only

OAuth 1.0a User Context

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE

App only

Default request rate limits

75 requests per 15 min with OAuth 1.0a

75 requests per 15min with OAuth 2.0

75 requests per 15 min with App only

75 requests per 15 min with OAuth 1.0a

75 requests per 15 min with OAuth 2.0

75 requests per 15 min with App only


User owned List lookup


Standard v1.1

X API v2

HTTP methods supported



Host domain



Endpoint path




OAuth 1.0a User Context

App only

OAuth 1.0a User Context

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE

App only

Default request rate limits

15 requests per 15 min with OAuth 1.0a

15 requests per 15 min with App only

15 requests per 15 min with OAuth 1.0a

15 requests per 15min with OAuth 2.0

15 requests per 15 min with App only


To access the X API v2 endpoints, you must sign up for a developer account. When authenticating, you must use keys and tokens from a developer App that is located within a Project

Learn more about getting access to the X API v2 endpoints in our getting started page.