Enterprise Search Tweets: Full-Archive API

Getting started with enterprise Search Posts: Full-Archive API

⏱ 10 min read

The enterprise Search Posts: Full-Archive API provides you with Posts since the first one posted in 2006. Posts are matched and sent back to you based on the query you specify in your request. A query is a rule in which you define what the Post you get back should contain. In this tutorial, we will search for Posts originating from the X account @XDevelopers in English.

The Posts you get back in your payload can be in a data format, which provides you with the full Post payload, or it can be in a counts format which gives you numerical count data of matched Posts. We will be using cURL to make requests to the data and counts endpoints.

You will need the following:

  • An enterprise account
  • Your username, password, and account name
  • Label associated with your search endpoint, as displayed at console.gnip.com


Accessing the data endpoint

The data endpoint will provide us with the full Post payload of matched Posts. We will use the from: and lang: operators to find Posts originating from @XDevelopers in English. For more operators click here.


cURL example

cURL is a command-line tool for getting or sending files using the URL syntax.


Copy the following cURL request into your command line after making changes to the following:


  • Username <USERNAME> e.g. email@domain.com
  • Account name <ACCOUNT-NAME> e.g. john-doe
  • Label <LABEL> e.g. prod
  • fromDate and toDate e.g. "fromDate":"201802010000", "toDate":"201802282359"

After sending your request, you will be prompted for your password.

      curl -X POST -u<USERNAME> "https://gnip-api.x.com/search/fullarchive/accounts/<ACCOUNT-NAME>/<LABEL>.json" -d '{"query":"from:TwitterDev lang:en","maxResults":"500","fromDate":"<yyyymmddhhmm>","toDate":"<yyyymmddhhmm>"}'

This is an example cURL request. If you try to run this it will not work. 

      curl -X POST -uemail@domain.com "https://gnip-api.x.com/search/fullarchive/accounts/john-doe/prod.json" -d '{"query":"from:TwitterDev lang:en","maxResults":"500","fromDate":"201802010000","toDate":"201802282359"}'

Data endpoint response payload

The payload you get back from your API request will appear in JSON format, as shown below.

	"results": [
			"created_at": "Fri Nov 02 17:18:31 +0000 2018",
			"id": 1058408022936977409,
			"id_str": "1058408022936977409",
			"text": "RT @harmophone: \"The innovative crowdsourcing that the Tagboard, Twitter and TEGNA collaboration enables is surfacing locally relevant conv…",
			"source": "<a href=\"http:\/\/twitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter Web Client<\/a>",
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			"user": {
				"id": 2244994945,
				"id_str": "2244994945",
				"name": "Twitter Dev",
				"screen_name": "TwitterDev",
				"location": "Internet",
				"url": "https:\/\/developer.twitter.com\/",
				"description": "Your official source for Twitter Platform news, updates & events. Need technical help? Visit https:\/\/twittercommunity.com\/ ⌨️ #TapIntoTwitter",
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				"created_at": "Tue Oct 30 21:30:25 +0000 2018",
				"id": 1057384253116289025,
				"id_str": "1057384253116289025",
				"text": "\"The innovative crowdsourcing that the Tagboard, Twitter and TEGNA collaboration enables is surfacing locally relev… https:\/\/t.co\/w46U5TRTzQ",
				"source": "<a href=\"http:\/\/twitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter Web Client<\/a>",
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				"user": {
					"id": 175187944,
					"id_str": "175187944",
					"name": "Tyler Singletary",
					"screen_name": "harmophone",
					"location": "San Francisco, CA",
					"url": "http:\/\/medium.com\/@harmophone",
					"description": "SVP Product at @Tagboard. Did some Data, biz, and product @Klout & for @LithiumTech; @BBI board member; @Insightpool advisor. World's worst whiteboarder.",
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					"created_at": "Thu Aug 05 22:59:29 +0000 2010",
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				"extended_tweet": {
					"full_text": "\"The innovative crowdsourcing that the Tagboard, Twitter and TEGNA collaboration enables is surfacing locally relevant conversations in real-time and enabling voters to ask questions during debates,”  -- @adamostrow, @TEGNA\nLearn More: https:\/\/t.co\/ivAFtanfje",
					"display_text_range": [
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								"url": "https:\/\/t.co\/ivAFtanfje",
								"expanded_url": "https:\/\/blog.tagboard.com\/twitter-and-tagboard-collaborate-to-bring-best-election-content-to-news-outlets-with-tagboard-e85fc864bcf4",
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									"status": 200,
									"title": "Twitter and Tagboard Collaborate to Bring Best Election Content to News Outlets With Tagboard…",
									"description": "By Tyler Singletary, Head of Product, Tagboard"
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			"filter_level": "low",
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			"matching_rules": [
					"tag": null
	"requestParameters": {
		"maxResults": 100,
		"fromDate": "201811010000",
		"toDate": "201811060000"

Accessing the counts endpoint

With the counts endpoint, we’ll retrieve the number of Posts originating from the @XDevelopers account in English grouped by day.


cURL example

cURL is a command-line tool for getting or sending files using the URL syntax.


Copy the following cURL request into your command line after making changes to the following:


  • Username <USERNAME> e.g. email@domain.com
  • Account name <ACCOUNT-NAME> e.g. john-doe
  • Label <LABEL> e.g. prod
  • fromDate and toDate e.g. "fromDate":"201802010000", "toDate":"201802282359"

After sending your request, you will be prompted for your password.

      curl -X POST -u<USERNAME> "https://gnip-api.x.com/search/fullarchive/accounts/<ACCOUNT-NAME>/<LABEL>/counts.json" -d '{"query":"from:TwitterDev lang:en","fromDate":"<yyyymmddhhmm>","toDate":"<yyyymmddhhmm>","bucket":"day"}'

This is an example cURL request. If you try to run this it will not work. 

      curl -X POST -uemail@domain.com "https://gnip-api.x.com/search/fullarchive/accounts/john-doe/prod/counts.json" -d '{"query":"from:TwitterDev lang:en","fromDate":"201802010000","toDate":"201802282359","bucket":"day"}'

Counts endpoint response payload

The payload you get back from your API request will appear in JSON format, as shown below.

	"results": [
			"timePeriod": "201811010000",
			"count": 0
			"timePeriod": "201811020000",
			"count": 1
			"timePeriod": "201811030000",
			"count": 0
			"timePeriod": "201811040000",
			"count": 0
			"timePeriod": "201811050000",
			"count": 0
	"totalCount": 1,
	"requestParameters": {
		"bucket": "day",
		"fromDate": "201811010000",
		"toDate": "201811060000"

Great job! Now you've successfully accessed the enterprise Search Posts: Full-Archive API.

Referenced articles

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