Managing webhooks and subscriptions

Managing webhooks and subscriptions

Creating & changing webhooks

In order to change webhook URLs, you must delete your existing webhook and then create a new one. Note that when you do this, you will be required to re-add user subscriptions to the new webhook.

Webhook configuration management endpoints:

Method Enterprise
Registers a webhook URL / Generates a webhook_id POST webhooks
Returns all webhook URLs and their statuses
GET webhooks
Delete app’s current webhook configuration
DELETE webhooks/:webhook_id             
Manually trigger a CRC request
PUT webhooks/:webhook_id


Why can’t I just update the webhook URL?

Why are webhook configurations immutable? X takes security very seriously. If your webhook URL is changed, there is a possibility that your application consumer key and consumer secret have been compromised. By requiring you to create a new webhook configuration, you are also required to re-subscribe to your user’s events. This requires the use of access tokens that a malicious party is less likely to possess. As a result, the likelihood that another party will receive your user’s private information is reduced.

Adding & removing User subscriptions

Support for thousands of subscriptions is available with the enterprise tier. If you already have an account manager, please reach out to them with questions.  To apply for access to the enterprise APIs, click here

Subscription management endpoints

Method Enterprise
Add new user subscription
POST webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/all
Retrieve a user subscription
GET webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/all
Returns a list of all active subscriptions
GET webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/all/list
Deactivates a user subscription using application only OAuth
DELETE webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/:user_id/all.json


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