Poll object


A poll included in a Tweet is not a primary object on any endpoint, but can be found and expanded in the Tweet object. 

The object is available for expansion with ?expansions=attachments.poll_ids to get the condensed object with only default fields. Use the expansion with the field parameter: poll.fields when requesting additional fields to complete the object.


Field value Type Description

id (default)


Unique identifier of the expanded poll.

"id": "1199786642791452673"

options (default)


Contains objects describing each choice in the referenced poll.

"options": [
                       "position": 1,
                       "label": "“C Sharp”",
                       "votes": 795
                       "position": 2,
                       "label": "“C Hashtag”",
                       "votes": 156



Specifies the total duration of this poll.

"duration_minutes": 1440


date (ISO 8601)

Specifies the end date and time for this poll.

"end_datetime": "2019-11-28T20:26:41.000Z"



Indicates if this poll is still active and can receive votes, or if the voting is now closed.

"voting_status": "closed"

Retrieving a poll object

Sample Request

In the following request, we are requesting fields for the poll object attached to the Tweet on the Tweets lookup endpoint. Since poll is a child object of a Tweet, the attachments.poll_id expansion is required. Be sure to replace $BEARER_TOKEN with your own generated Bearer Token.

      curl --request GET 'https://api.x.com/2/tweets?ids=1199786642791452673&expansions=attachments.poll_ids&poll.fields=duration_minutes,end_datetime,id,options,voting_status' --header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "text": "C#",
            "id": "1199786642791452673",
            "attachments": {
                "poll_ids": [
    "includes": {
        "polls": [
                "id": "1199786642468413448",
                "voting_status": "closed",
                "duration_minutes": 1440,
                "options": [
                        "position": 1,
                        "label": "“C Sharp”",
                        "votes": 795
                        "position": 2,
                        "label": "“C Hashtag”",
                        "votes": 156
                "end_datetime": "2019-11-28T20:26:41.000Z"