

If you have existing Apps, you can view, edit, or delete them via the developer portal’s App page.

Accessing the X API and X Ads API requires a set of authentication credentials, also known as keys and tokens, that you must pass with each request. These credentials can come in different forms depending on the type of authentication that is required by the specific endpoint that you are using.

Here are the different credentials that you can generate in your App and how to use them:

  • API Key and Secret: Essentially the username and password for your App. You will use these to authenticate requests that require OAuth 1.0a User Context, or to generate other tokens such as user Access Tokens or App Access Token.

  • Access Token and Secret: In general, Access Tokens represent the user that you are making the request on behalf of. The ones that you can generate via the developer portal represent the user that owns the App. You will use these to authenticate requests that require OAuth 1.0a User Context. If you would like to make requests on behalf of another user, you will need to use the 3-legged OAuth flow for them to authorize you. 

  • Client ID and Client Secret: These credentials are used to obtain a user Access Token with OAuth 2.0 authentication. Similar to OAuth 1.0a, the user Access Tokens are used to authenticate requests that provide private user account information or perform actions on behalf of another account but, with fine-grained scope for greater control over what access the client application has on the user. 

  • App only Access Token: You will use this token when making requests to endpoints that responds with information publicly available on X.

In addition to generating the keys and tokens necessary to make X API requests, you will also be able to set access permissions, document the use case or purpose for the App, define a callback URL, and modify other settings related to your App developer environment from within the management dashboard.


Apps and Projects

You can use Apps and Projects to help organize your work with the X Developer Platform by use case. Each Project can contain a single App if you have Essential access, and up to three Apps if you have Elevated or greater access.

If you would like to access the new X API v2 endpoints, you will be required to use keys and tokens from an App that is associated with a Project.

If you have Apps that were created before we launched Projects, they will be visible in the section entitled “Standalone Apps”. Standalone Apps are Apps outside of the Project structure. If you attach a Standalone App to a Project, it will then be able to make requests to the v2 endpoints. 

Developer portal dashboard

You can visit the dashboard to manage the Apps associated with your account. To learn more, please visit our documentation page on the developer portal. The dashboard allows developers to quickly and easily perform the following tasks:

  • View your existing Standalone Apps and their associated App ID.
  • Create a new Project, App, or standalone App.
  • Delete an unused Project or App. 
  • Review or update a specific App's settings, including updating name, desciption, website, callback URL, and permissions.
  • Regenerate App specific credentials like API Key & Secret, App Access Token, and the App owner's user Access Tokens.


Signing up for access

If you have existing X Apps, you can view and edit your Apps via the X App dashboard if you are logged into your X account on developer.x.com.  Please note you will not need to sign up for an account to manage any and all Apps that were previously created on developer.x.com. 

If you need to create a new X App, you will need to have signed up for a developer account.  If you are a member of a team account, you must be assigned an admin role to create a new App.


Automated Account labeling for bots

You can add an Automated Account label to your bot accounts to let users on X know that your bot is an automated account. These bots perform programmed actions through the X API. When you add an Automated Account label to your bot, you build trust with your audience, legitimize your account, and set yourself apart from spammy bots. This helps people on X better understand your account's purpose when interacting with your bot.

To attach a label to your bot account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your account settings 
  2. Select “Your account”
  3. Select “Automation” 
  4. Select “Managing account” 
  5. Next, select the X account, which runs your bot account
  6. Enter your password to log in 
  7. Finally, you should see confirmation that the label has been applied to your account.