Product News
More operators supported with Twitter API v2 filtered stream
By Jim Moffitt 19 July 2022
By Jim Moffitt
19 July 2022

Today we are expanding operators supported on v2 filtered stream endpoints.
What are operators?
The Twitter API provides a querying language for matching Tweets of interest and the Twitter API v2 includes several endpoints that apply these queries, either in real-time or in a search pattern and return matching Tweets.
The search and filtered stream endpoints support sets of operators that are used to reference and match on Tweet attributes. For example, there are operators for matching on core Tweet attributes like keywords, hashtags, and URLs included in the Tweet. Other operators match on the author, a variety of their attributes, as well as other mentioned accounts. In fact, there are 32 core operators available.
Included in today’s release
Today we are expanding the operators supported on v2 filtered stream in three ways:
10 new operators are now available to every developer building with filtered stream (across all v2 access levels). These new operators make it easier to match on Tweets of interest by referencing fundamental attributes of Tweets and their authors. Now you can match on information like the type of device the Tweet came from and fundamental author attributes such as their number of followers. These operators also include URL-specific operators to make it easier to match on links and even on website titles and descriptions.
Expanding the availability of 6 operators for Essential access These operators previously required Academic Research access. If you currently have Essential access, a total of 16 additional operators are now available to you.
Adding 4 additional operators for those with Elevated access. These four operators were previously only available to those with Academic Research access.
The details
This launch consists of these operator groups:
Adding 10 new-to-v2 operators to all developers building with filtered stream:
Adding 6 operators to Essential and Elevated levels that historically have only been available to academics, so that they are available to all filtered stream developers:
Adding four operators to the Elevated level of access that historically have only been available to academics:
Next steps
To learn more about building real-time filters, head on over to the filtered stream guide on building rules.
Check out the filtered stream documentation. There you will find an introduction, a guide on how to get started, an API reference, and more.