Product News
The Twitter API Toolkit for Google Cloud
By Francesca DeGiorgio, Developer Platform Marketing Intern 09 August 2022
By Francesca DeGiorgio, Developer Platform Marketing Intern
09 August 2022
The Twitter Developer platform is building what’s next with the help of developers who utilize the Twitter API to improve the Twitter experience. To support the innovation and motivation of developers, we are invested in creating new features and surfaces that developers can quickly build on, in turn, shaping the public conversation. The Twitter API Toolkit for Google Cloud is a step towards that future.
The Twitter API Toolkit for Google Cloud aims to make the process of analyzing large volumes of Tweets more convenient and accessible for developers, using Google Cloud functionalities to support the Twitter API. In a recent Google Cloud blog post, the Google team spoke to Twitter Solutions Architect and author of the Toolkit, Prasanna Selvaraj, and the Twitter Head of Solutions Architecture, Nikki Golding, about the objectives and utilizations of the Toolkit. They also discuss the impact this collaboration has on developers, making it quicker and easier for them to get started with the platform. You can read more from that interview here.
Twitter API Toolkit for Google Cloud
The Toolkit has two current versions: Filtered Stream and Recent Search. Both versions help developers detect and categorize trends on Twitter by processing Tweets in order to identify themes and topics. This process is normally very complex, requiring integration with Named Entity Recognition and Natural Language Processing services, but the Toolkit uses Tweet Annotations and helps developers bypass these complexities and provides a trend detection framework that can be installed quickly and easily––in some cases in 60 minutes or less.
These Toolkits help developers process and analyze high volumes of Tweets in order to gain data insights much quicker: a high value in a low amount of time. The Filtered Stream version does so using streaming Tweets, and the Recent Search with Twitter’s new recent search API v2. Both are supported by Google Cloud functionalities.
The Twitter API Toolkit(s) for Google Cloud combines the Twitter API v2 and Google Cloud functionalities to make storing, analyzing, showcasing, and deriving insights from Twitter data quickly and efficiently. By integrating with Google Cloud, we’ve been able to build low-code solutions tailored to users interested in working with the Twitter API to collect and analyze data. Through platform collaborations such as this one, we aim to make it simpler and quicker for developers to get started with our Twitter Developer Platform.
Get started with the Twitter API Toolkit for Google Cloud today!